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    Brave browser logo on 3D background

    Brave Password Managers: A guide to compatible extensions and password managers

    2024-03-04T16:11:00.000Z9 min read


    Many of us security-minded individuals have embraced the Brave browser, which launched in 2016. Built on the Chromium open-source foundation, Brave prioritizes user privacy by blocking ads and trackers by default. This translates to a faster, more secure browsing experience.

    However, with the ever-growing number of online accounts and login credentials, the question of password management arises. While Brave offers a built-in password manager, some users might seek additional features or functionalities.

    This guide delves into the world of password managers in Brave, addressing:

    Whether you're a seasoned Brave user or just starting to explore its features, this guide equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your password management strategy within Brave. Let's navigate the password landscape together and conquer the security jungle!

    Why do people use Brave?

    Online privacy concerns have become paramount for many internet users. This drives interest in and adoption of privacy-focused browsers like Brave. Here's why Brave, and similar browsers, are gaining traction:

    1. Reclaiming Control Over Your Data:

    Many users dislike that their online activities are monitored and tracked by companies and advertisers. This can lead to a sense of unease and a loss of control over personal information. Brave combats this by blocking ads and trackers by default, preventing them from collecting and using your browsing data for targeted advertising or other purposes.

    2. Enhanced Browser Performance:

    Blocking ads and trackers not only protects your privacy but also improves browsing speed and performance. Websites load faster with fewer intrusive elements, making your online experience smoother and more efficient. This is especially crucial for small businesses that rely heavily on online tools and platforms for daily operations.

    3. A More Secure Browsing Environment:

    Privacy-focused browsers like Brave often come equipped with additional security features that enhance your online safety. These can include:

    • Blocking malicious websites and phishing attempts.
    • Preventing malware and other types of online threats.
    • Offering encrypted connections for secure communication.
    • This heightened security environment is crucial for small businesses, which are often targeted by cybercriminals due to their perceived vulnerability.

    4. Earning Rewards (Optional):

    While not necessarily the primary reason for using Brave, some users appreciate the optional built-in rewards system. By opting in to view privacy-focused ads, users can earn BAT tokens, a cryptocurrency within the Brave ecosystem. These tokens can then be used for various purposes, such as tipping content creators or contributing to charity.

    While Brave's password manager offers basic functionality, it may not be enough for the comprehensive security needs of businesses. In the next section, we'll explore the world of password managers within Brave and help you decide what's best for your online security and business operation.

    Is Brave password manager safe? Evaluating its Strengths and Limitations

    While the short answer is yes, Brave's password manager utilizes industry-standard encryption to safeguard your stored credentials, a more nuanced answer requires an evaluation of its strengths and limitations, particularly in the context of business or team needs.


    • Encryption: Brave employs industry-standard encryption to protect your saved passwords, offering a baseline level of security against unauthorized access.
    • Ease of Use: Integrating seamlessly with the Brave browser, the built-in password manager offers a convenient way to store and manage login credentials within the browsing environment.


    • Limited Features: Compared to dedicated password management solutions, Brave's offering lacks several crucial features that are essential for robust online security, especially within a business context. These include:
      • Secure Password Sharing: Sharing login credentials with employees or collaborators is often necessary for efficient teamwork. However, Brave's password manager lacks functionalities for secure and controlled sharing, potentially compromising security.
      • Password Strength Analysis: This valuable feature helps users assess the complexity and effectiveness of their passwords, guiding them towards creating strong and unique passwords for each account.
      • Data Breach Monitoring: Proactive monitoring of the dark web for compromised credentials is crucial for identifying potential security risks and taking preventative measures. This feature is absent in Brave's password manager, leaving users vulnerable to data breaches that may go unnoticed.
    • Local Storage: Unlike dedicated password managers that offer cloud-based storage with robust security protocols, Brave's solution stores data locally on the user's device. While this approach offers some advantages in terms of data control, it introduces downsides:
      • Limited Accessibility: Users cannot access their passwords from other devices unless they manually synchronize the data across each individual device, a process that can be cumbersome and time-consuming, especially for those who regularly use multiple devices.
      • Single Point of Failure: If a malicious actor gains access to the user's device, they will also have access to all the saved passwords within the browser, potentially compromising the security of all associated accounts. This poses a significant risk for businesses, where unauthorized access to one device could lead to a domino effect, jeopardizing the security of multiple accounts.

    Compatibility: Can any third-party password manager work with Brave?

    The majority of modern password managers run as a web application and have Chrome extensions. Because Brave is a Chromium-based browser, Chrome extensions work in it the same way they do in the Chrome browser. 

    However, it's always good to test. Most password managers have free trials, so take advantage and test compatibility with your browsers and devices.

    Now, let's explore the advantages of using a dedicated password manager for your Brave browser.

    Why dedicated password managers are better than browser password managers

    1. Security Features Built for Business

    Dedicated password managers go beyond basic encryption, offering a robust arsenal of security features to shield your business's online assets. These features include:

    • Zero-knowledge architecture: This approach ensures that the company never stores your actual passwords, only an encrypted version. Even in the event of a security breach, hackers won't have access to your original passwords unless they obtain your master password and can bypass 2FA.
    • Two-factor authentication (2FA): This adds an extra layer of security to the login process, requiring users to enter a second verification code in addition to their password. This makes unauthorized access significantly more difficult, even if a hacker manages to obtain your password.
    • Secure password sharing: Collaboration is often essential for businesses. Dedicated password managers enable the secure sharing of login credentials with colleagues or team members, facilitating efficient teamwork without compromising security. Granular access controls ensure that users only have access to the specific information they need, minimizing the potential for accidental exposure.
    • Password breach monitoring: Proactive monitoring of the dark web for compromised credentials is crucial for identifying potential security risks before they escalate. Dedicated password managers constantly scan the dark web for leaked passwords and alert you if your saved credentials appear in a data breach. This empowers you to take immediate action, such as changing your passwords, and mitigate potential damage.

    2. Access from Anywhere:

    Brave's password manager has limited functionality across devices due to its privacy stance, which restricts deep integration with your smartphone. 

    Dedicated password managers offer cross-platform access, allowing you to access your saved passwords from any device, whether it's your desktop, laptop, phone, or tablet. This ensures that you can always access your business-critical accounts, regardless of the device you're using, maximizing productivity and convenience.

    3. Simplifying Security with a Master Password:

    Managing multiple passwords for various accounts can be a daunting task. Dedicated password managers have you create a master password: a single, strong password that acts as the key to your password vault. This eliminates the need to remember individual passwords for each account, simplifying the login process and reducing the risk of password fatigue, where users resort to weak or reused passwords due to the burden of remembering complex ones.

    Investing in a dedicated password manager is an investment in your business's security. Don't wait for a data breach to happen.

    How to Disable Brave's Password Manager

    Given the limitations outlined above, teams and individuals who want a fuller feature set will benefit from disabling Brave's password manager and migrating to a dedicated solution. This is particularly recommended in scenarios where:

    • Secure password sharing is necessary for efficient collaboration.
    • Advanced password management features like strength analysis and data breach monitoring are crucial for robust online security.
    • Frequent use of multiple devices necessitates seamless password accessibility across various platforms.

    Here's a detailed guide on how to disable Brave's password save feature:

    1. Launch the Brave browser.

    2. Open the Password Manager



    Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the browser window. From the menu, select "Password Manager."

    3. Select the "Settings" tab

    From the Password Manager page, select Settings.


    4. Disable the "Offer to save passwords" option.

    Within the "Autofill and passwords" section, locate the toggle switch labeled "Offer to save passwords." Click on the toggle to switch it to the "Off" position.

    5. (Optional) Clear existing saved passwords

    If you want to remove any passwords already saved in Brave's manager, you can do so in this step. Select "Passwords" from the tab on the left - you'll see a list of saved credentials. Click on the three dots next to each entry and select "Remove" to delete it.

    6. (Optional) Close and relaunch Brave browser.

    While not strictly necessary, restarting your browser ensures the changes take full effect. Close all Brave windows and then relaunch the browser.

    By following these steps, Brave will no longer prompt you to save your passwords when logging into websites.

    Additional Notes:

    • Disabling Brave's password manager does not affect your existing passwords stored elsewhere.
    • If you decide to use a dedicated password manager, ensure you choose a reputable solution with robust security features.
    • Remember to keep your passwords strong and unique, and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

    Use the TeamPassword extension in your Brave browser

    For businesses, agencies, and collaborative teams, TeamPassword is the most cost-effective and intuitive password manager. 

    TeamPassword offers what stock browser password managers miss:

    • Enforceable 2FA
    • Role-based access
    • Organize passwords into unlimited groups so users only access what they need
    • Audit logs so you know who accesses what record, and when

    Because Brave is built on the Chromium foundation, TeamPassword's Chrome extension works seamlessly in the Brave browser. 

    Skeptical? I get it. Try TeamPassword for free for 14 days - no card required. 

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