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    Accounting tools for marketing agencies

    Accounting tools for marketing agencies

    Lindsey is the Marketing Manager for Xenon Partners, where she advises on SaaS growth across several products for Xenon Partners. Lindsey's passion is great documentation and reporting on brilliant ideas, enabling people to actually act on and communicate about these ideas. Lindsey loves working with the TeamPassword blog because it is here where we can really make this happen.

    2021-11-12T11:02:00.000Z ∙ 8 min read


    When you’re running your business, you want to address two things above all: your clients’ needs and your bottom line. So, if you’re a marketing agency focusing on getting clients and helping them reach their goals, the last thing you want is to spend a lot of precious time on your accounting. 

    So, how can you focus on marketing while also handling invoices, taxes, profit, and loss, plus other revenue and expenses? Keeping it all straight while managing your operations doesn’t have to be impossible. Use one or several of these accounting tools for marketing agencies and leave accounting headaches in the past. 


    Always prioritize accounting tools for marketing agencies that value enterprise security. Using a password manager can mitigate the risk of unauthorized sharing and access. TeamPassword is an affordable password management solution for teams to share company credentials securely and efficiently. Sign up for a 14-day free trial today!


    9 Accounting Tools for Marketing Agencies in 2021


    1. Sage Accounting

    Sage is an online accounting platform supported on mobile or web. They’re versatile, offering services to both small and medium businesses and large enterprises. One of Sage’s main selling points is the fact that it’s suitable for both CPAs and non-accountants. Sage accounting is an all-in-one tool to record and track your income and expenses. You can manage your cash flow, manage your clients, projects, and inventory, send invoices and settle bills all directly in one place. Suppose you often work with freelancers or outsource work. In that case, it’s helpful that Sage offers project management capabilities to involve them in day-to-day tasks and keep track of their payments as expenses. 


    2. Freshbooks

    You may think of Freshbooks as a simple accounting tool from the early 2000s. Still, Freshbooks has evolved from being a simple expense tracking software to offering bank account integration, generating financial reports, and so much more. These days, you can use Freshbooks and integrate it with your CRM, customer service apps and add different elements as you deem necessary for your business. Two significant selling points for the tool are its commitment to person-to-person customer service and its 30-day free trial, so you can see if it’s for you.


    3. Quickbooks Online

    Quickbooks is more or less the one-size-fits-all account tool. For marketing agencies that want to just get the accounting done, Quickbooks’ online version helps make it happen. If, on the other hand, you have a licensed accountant on your team or outsourced for your accounting needs, you can offer them this tool to create balance sheets, analyze, generate statements, and so much more. Quickbooks can even turn photos of receipts and categorize them into business expenses, saving you hours in the process. It’s also able to integrate both with your accounts and your credit cards to keep everything up to date without the manual work. Additionally, it works with payment tiers to offer you only what you need.


    4. Xero 

    Xero may seem similar — if not the same — as Quickbooks and Freshbooks, and they do share a lot of features, but it stands out in a few key ways. While it does have dashboards with financial breakdowns of what’s going on in your business accounting, it also offers the option to add unlimited users, free support to transition from your previous tool to Xero, and a price that starts at just $9 per month.


    Make sure you share access to your accounting tools and software securely using TeamPassword! Sign up for a 14-day free trial today!


    5. Sighted

    Sighted is the tool of choice of small operations, be it freelancers, entrepreneurs, or even boutique agencies with only a few team members. With Sighted, you’ll be able to customize quotes and invoices, track finances, and integrate payment systems, all while staying on budget. Choose from any of their packages and get unlimited invoices, receipts, capacity of up to 100 clients, and much more. 


    6. Expensify

    Automating accounting processes is Expensify’s goal, and they do it with great features. You can categorize your business expenses, set your policies for employees, and can even reimburse them as soon as the next day after the request is made. Expensify is business owner-friendly and easy to use regardless of your accounting experience. 


    7. OneUp

    OneUp’s dashboards are its #1 selling point. They break down all your data, from profit to cash flow, income, and anything else you want to know. You can build a dashboard that speaks specifically to your needs. If you prefer reports, OneUp offers small financial reports with business financials. Choose between one of the five plans depending on the number of users and the extra features you need.


    8. Kashoo

    Kashoo is a more down to the basics tool for business owners that need income and expenses and little else. While this means that you have only eight reports available, it also means you can get started quickly and easily, with no accounting skills. If connecting your bank accounts makes you uncomfortable, Kashoo offers a simple interface with limited features to keep it simple and minimize its time to adopt the tool. Of course, you can connect your accounts if you want to, but Kashoo makes it optional.


    9. ZipBooks

    ZipBooks is perfect for anyone who also needs time tracking on top of the standard accounting tools. Accounting tools for marketing agencies who bill by the hour should provide time tracking abilities to make billing easier. As with the tools listed above, you can link accounts that will assist in categorizing transactions. Invoicing with Zipbooks includes a payment link directly in the invoice for easy access and speeding up payment. Reporting from Zipbooks also contains a helpful health score for your business. Zipbooks comes with several plans, including a free program, so you can upgrade as you need, even if you decide to take on a CPA and get them more professional features.


    Using a Password Manager to Keep Accounting Tools Safe

    Accounting tools for marketing agencies can move your business forward and help you understand where you’re at now and where you have the opportunity to grow. While using online tools and sharing them with your team can start a new phase in your business, it can also open risks for cyber attacks. So how can you keep your company safe while exploring new tools and resources? Use a password manager to create, store, and share passwords safely.


    Why You Should Implement TeamPassword

    Use Teampassword to share passwords among your team and keep everyone involved while maintaining the privacy and security of your team. TeamPassword is the tool that can keep all your credentials safe from attackers and anyone outside of your organization. So, what makes TeamPassword necessary for teams using and sharing online tools?


    Accessible Anywhere

    You can use TeamPassword on your mobile phone, desktop, or right on your browser. Whether you use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, you can install the extension and fill in passwords or create new ones right when you need them. 



    Your whole team will have the ability to create, store, and share passwords using TeamPassword. Still, if you’d like to break that down further into smaller teams while keeping things private, you can create groups. For instance, you can have your marketing agency’s Team Password account and within a group for only your branding professionals. This practice ensures privacy not just with outside entities but also within teams in your organization.


    Password generation

    Want to create hack-resistant passwords? Change or create new ones with Teampassword’s built-in password generator—increasing password security and removing repeat passwords on separate accounts. 


    Multi-factor authentication and activity logs

    Finally, TeamPassword takes logins seriously. When trying to log in, every one of your team members will be asked to authenticate their device. TeamPassword will record the login activity on a log that managers can access at any time. Suppose login activity is of particular concern to you. In that case, you can also enable email notifications to be informed in real-time about users active on your account.


    Ready to give it a try? TeamPassword is an affordable password management solution for teams to share company credentials securely and efficiently. Sign up for a 14-day free trial today!

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