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    Three cybercriminals sitting outside small business storefront

    Cybersecurity for Small Networks | Protect Networks of Any Size

    2024-03-31T16:23:00.000Z10 min read


    Cybersecurity might sound like a fancy term reserved for tech giants with budgets the size of Rhode Island. But here's the harsh truth: in today's digital Wild West, every company, regardless of size, is a potential target for cyberattacks.

    Common Cybersecurity Risks for Small Networks

    In their 2019 Data Breach Investigation, Verizon showed that a whopping 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses. Ouch. That's right, nearly half of all cyberattacks are aimed squarely at businesses like yours – the ones without an army of IT security specialists and a fortress-like defense system.

    Why are small businesses such attractive targets? Think of it like a bank robber casing the joint. Large banks have elaborate security measures, but a corner store with a single cashier? That might seem like an easier score for a cybercriminal. Small businesses often lack the resources to invest in robust cybersecurity, making them vulnerable to a wider range of threats.

    Let's look at 4 common threats. 


    Imagine you get a fake email that looks like it's from your bank. It asks you to click a link and update your account information. If you click the link and enter your details, a scammer steals your information!

    Phishing attacks leverage social engineering techniques to manipulate users into divulging sensitive information or clicking malicious links. Attackers employ various methods to craft believable emails, such as spoofing sender addresses, mimicking logos and branding elements, and exploiting urgency or fear tactics.

    Spear phishing is a targeted form of phishing that uses personal details about you scraped from other sources to add legitimacy - or urgency - to the scams. 

    SQL Injection

    SQL injection attacks exploit vulnerabilities in web applications that interact with relational databases. Attackers craft malicious SQL queries disguised as user input (e.g., username, search field). These queries can bypass authentication mechanisms, manipulate data, retrieve sensitive information (e.g., customer records), or even take control of the underlying database server.

    Common injection points include login forms, search bars, and any functionality that accepts user-controlled input. Secure coding practices, input validation, and parameterized queries can mitigate SQL injection risks.


    Viruses are self-replicating malicious programs that attach themselves to executable files or macros. Upon execution, the virus code replicates itself and injects malicious functionality into the host program. Viruses can disrupt system operations, corrupt data, steal information, or even act as payloads for further attacks.

    Modern viruses often employ advanced techniques like polymorphism and obfuscation to evade detection by antivirus software.

    Multi-layered security solutions, including endpoint protection platforms with behavioral analysis capabilities, are crucial for mitigating virus threats.


    Malware is a broad term for any bad software that can harm your computer. It's like a toolbox with different tools for causing trouble. Some malware steals information, some mess with your files, and some even hold your data hostage!

    Common malware types include viruses, worms, ransomware, spyware, rootkits, and botnets. Malware can be delivered through various vectors, such as phishing attacks, drive-by downloads on compromised websites, malicious email attachments, or social engineering tactics.

    Malware functionality varies, but common goals include data theft, system disruption, financial extortion, and establishing footholds for further network exploitation. Comprehensive security strategies combining endpoint protection, network security controls, and user awareness training are essential to combat the evolving threat landscape of malware.

    What do these cyber threats mean for you?

    A successful attack on your small network could be devastating. Imagine losing access to your customer data, financial records, or that secret sauce recipe you've been perfecting for years. The financial repercussions can cripple your business, not to mention the damage to your reputation and customer trust. Data breaches can also lead to legal headaches and hefty regulatory fines. 

    In summary: cybersecurity for small businesses often hinges on the habits and practices of its users. Let's explore some best practices to fortify your small network's defenses and make it a fortress, not a flimsy shack, in the digital landscape.

    Best Practices for Small Network Cybersecurity

    The good news? You don't need a million-dollar security system to protect your small network. There are steps you can take to fortify your defenses and make yourself a less appealing target. However, effective cybersecurity relies heavily on a collaborative effort.

    Before you start locking down your network with digital padlocks, it's crucial to get everyone on board – from leadership and team members to any partners you work with. A single weak link in your security chain, like an employee with a penchant for weak passwords, can leave your entire network vulnerable.

    Create Password Protocols: The First Line of Defense

    We all know this one, right? Strong passwords are the cornerstone of good cybersecurity. But let's be honest, how many of us use the same password over and over, or make passwords less than 12 characters long?

    The problem is, weak passwords are like leaving your front door wide open with a neon sign that reads "Free Data Inside!" To address this, consider creating internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that establish clear guidelines for password creation, updates, and storage.

    Here's the key takeaway: network security is only as strong as its weakest link. If even one employee uses weak passwords or stores them in insecure locations (I'll just email this password to myself...) it can compromise the entire system. Imagine a single rotten apple spoiling the whole bunch. That's what happens when one weak password opens the door for a cybercriminal.

    The Password Manager Solution: Ditch the Spreadsheet

    Let's face it, coming up with complex, unique passwords for every single account is a pain. That's where password generators come in like a digital knight in shining armor. These tools generate random combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols, making them significantly harder to crack than your birthday or your pet's name.

    Most password managers offer features like auto-fill for websites and applications, saving yet more time. Think of it as having a personal vault for all your strong, unique passwords, readily accessible at your fingertips.

    By establishing clear password protocols and leveraging the power of password generators, you can significantly bolster your network's first line of defense.

    Restrict and Monitor Access: Not Everyone Needs the Keys to the Kingdom

    Imagine a bank where every employee has full access to the vault. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? The same principle applies to your network security. Establishing clear access controls is crucial for protecting sensitive data and minimizing the potential damage from a cyberattack.

    Here's the idea: not everyone in your company needs access to everything. The marketing team likely doesn't need access to financial records, and your customer service reps probably shouldn't be able to modify administrative settings.

    By creating tiered access levels, you can ensure that employees only have access to the data and systems they need to perform their jobs effectively. This minimizes the potential for accidental exposure of sensitive information and makes it harder for attackers to exploit any unauthorized access.

    The best way to do this is with a password manager that allows unlimited unique groups of passwords, and admin-controlled access to these groups.

    Here's a key tip: document everything. Create a clear and concise record of who has access to what data and systems within your network. This not only helps with ongoing security management but also facilitates a smooth transition if an employee leaves the company or changes roles. Think of it as a digital map of your network, ensuring everyone knows where the valuables are kept and who has the keys.

    Hold Consistent Employee Trainings: Knowledge is Power (and Security)

    Even the most sophisticated security measures can be thwarted by human error. That's why employee training is a fundamental pillar of any robust cybersecurity strategy. Consider establishing internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that clearly outline:

    • Proper Use of Networks: What activities are appropriate on company networks? Is it okay to browse social media during work hours? What about downloading personal software? Having clear guidelines helps employees understand their role in maintaining a secure network environment.

    • Identifying Threats: How can employees recognize phishing emails, malware downloads, and other common cyber threats? Equipping your team with the knowledge to spot these dangers is crucial for preventing them from becoming a security breach. Think of it as giving them a digital shield to deflect cyberattacks.

    • Avoiding Popular Risks: How can employees protect themselves from common cybersecurity pitfalls? Trainings should cover topics like creating strong passwords, avoiding suspicious links, and being cautious about opening attachments from unknown senders. By understanding these risks, employees can make smarter decisions that safeguard your network.

    • What to Do if There is a Suspected Threat: What happens if an employee suspects a cyberattack or accidentally clicks on a malicious link? Having a clear reporting process in place ensures that potential threats are identified and addressed quickly before they escalate into major problems.

    Create a Response Plan: Don't Be Caught Flat-Footed

    Imagine your fire alarm goes off, but you have no idea where the extinguishers are or who to call. That's the chaos that can ensue in the event of a cyberattack without a well-defined response plan.

    A cybersecurity incident response plan outlines the steps your team should take if your network is compromised.

    This plan should address key areas like:

    • Identification and Containment: How will you identify a security breach? What steps will you take to isolate the threat and prevent further damage? Swift action is critical in minimizing the impact of a cyberattack.

    • Recovery: How will you recover your systems and data in the event of an attack? Having a robust backup and recovery strategy is essential for getting your business back up and running as quickly as possible.

    • Communication: Who needs to be notified in the event of a cyberattack? How will you communicate with employees, customers, and partners? Clear and transparent communication is crucial for maintaining trust and minimizing reputational damage.

    By establishing a clear response plan, you ensure your team knows exactly what to do in the event of a cyberattack. It's like having a well-rehearsed fire drill – everyone knows their role and how to respond effectively to mitigate the damage.

    Strengthen Your Small Network Security with TeamPassword

    Here's the reality: cybersecurity isn't a luxury for small businesses – it's an investment in your organization's future. A successful cyberattack can cripple your operations, damage your reputation, and erode customer trust. By implementing the best practices outlined above, you can significantly bolster your small network's defenses and make yourself a less attractive target for cybercriminals.

    TeamPassword offers a suite of features specifically designed to empower small businesses to take control of their network security:

    • Access passwords anywhere: TeamPassword allows authorized users to access their passwords securely from any device, at any time, only from a secure vault. This eliminates the need to Slack credentials to a coworker. 
    • Minimum necessary knowledge: Each user in your organization can be 'edited' individually, meaning you choose exactly what password groups they access.
    • Robust security: Mandatory 2FA, SSO options, activity logs, and of course the AES 256-bit secured vault...TeamPassword gives you what you need to keep your small network secure. 
    • Intuitive interface: Look, you need a secure vault that stores passwords and autofills them when needed. You shouldn't be fighting with the UI to find what you need. TeamPassword keeps it simple, with a price point to match

    Try TeamPassword for 14 days on us. Got any questions? Reach out to our award-winning support team. 

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