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    8 Posts that have nothing to do with Password Management

    2016-05-03T19:17:00.000Z4 min read


    With our passion for tech and high growth companies, we hope that you see us as more than "that password management company that saves the words and numbers you can't remember."

    That's why we dedicate time each week to write about the many different aspects of working at a tech company. Below are some of our favorite articles you might have missed over the past weeks and month.

    Survey Says: Stop Being Boring

    Source: Medium

    Surveys are a very helpful tool in learning how people view your product. But OH. My. GOD. are they boring. Here are three ways to upgrade your surveys, and get the real feedback you need.

    How to Pitch Without Being Too Salesy

    Source: Hubspot

    How are the most successful salespeople effective? They're not salesy at all! The art of the honest, organic sale can be a tough one to master but we've tapped into that magic and listed the best way to sell your product to potential clients.

    6 Ways to Start Writing (Even if You're a Noob)

    Source: Medium

    You could have every intention of sitting down and writing all about the most interesting topic in the world, but actually forming words into sentences into paragraphs into legitimate articles is hard!

    Analysis of Popular Startup Tools

    Source: Startup Soiree

    Just like no man is an island, no startup can run on its own. We all rely on the tools of the internet to not only get us started but keep us up and running. StartUp Soiree gave us the opportunity to discuss the tools we use most and love best.

    If You're Not Exercising, Pay Yourself

    Source: Medium

    We're all busy. It's hard to fit in the things we want to do, let alone the things we don't want to do *cough cough exercise.* I found that if I "pay" myself to exercise, I'm much more likely to do it. I'm not talking about putting a dollar in a jar every time I run past the cookie jar, but rather fitting it into my day as a whole - making it a priority as much as I would an important meeting with a client.

    4 Pieces of Advice You're Not Getting When Starting a Company

    Source: Medium

    I can tell you from experience that when you start a company, you get a dump truck load of advice. Some of it is helpful, some not so much. I wanted to pass on my bevy of startup knowledge and share the four pieces of advice most people don't get when they set up shop.

    Negative Feedback; How to Look Good After Looking Bad

    Source: Medium

    Negative feedback, much like bad hair days and live musicals on NBC, are bound to happen. Everybody experiences this at some point in their career, but not everyone knows how to properly handle the situation. Consider your chops unbusted after reading about our smart ways to bounce back after negative feedback.

    Slack Actually Does Have Salespeople

    Source: Medium

    The way we feel about Slack could best be described with the heart eye emoji. We absolutely love Slack and use it every single day. So when I read an article (a PUBLISHED article) that stated Slack doesn't have salespeople, I lost it. Not only do they have a sales team, but read all about how they're rockin' it.

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    Enhance your password security

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