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Andrew M.

Andrew M.




Table Of Contents

    Understanding Saved Passwords

    Understanding Saved Passwords

    July 6, 20215 min read

    Password Management

    Passwords unlock the confidential data stored within a user account. Therefore, it is integral for users to keep saved passwords in the most secure places. While safeguarding a combination is a priority, many users still follow poor password management practices. These lapses lead to compromised systems and networks and large-scale cyberattacks. 

    Users also need to understand the implications when saving passwords in a program (i.e., built-in browser-based password managers). Users need to learn about the background processes involved in password storage and the measures to ensure optimal security. While some solutions may seem safe on the surface, they may lack the features to deter sophisticated modern-day hackers. 

    TeamPassword’s dedicated password manager offers users the latest encryption technologies to keep credentials stored away from prying eyes and bad actors. Sign up for a trial now to protect your passwords without taking any chances. 

    Table of Contents

      Avoid Physical Storage  

      Traditional password users may record their unique combinations in a journal or post-it note, leaving them at a highly accessible spot on their office work desk. While the method seems convenient, it also makes passwords highly accessible to unwanted/unauthorized parties who may take the opportunity to copy and manipulate those credentials. 

      Therefore, users should never leave passwords vulnerable in a physical document that can easily fall into the hands of opportunistic third parties. Instead, users should keep passwords secure in a digital form, preferably with their own password. Additionally, as reports of insider threats continue to spread across the digital landscape, there is a greater need to secure and monitor immediate workplace surroundings. 

      Never Leave Passwords Unencrypted 

      Advanced encryption methods applied in hashed, salted, and symmetric key passwords provide confidential combinations with added protection against malicious parties. These countermeasures transform passwords into seemingly meaningless ciphertext that makes it difficult for hackers to decipher and the more complex a ciphertext, the more likely it would cause hackers to abandon their target. 

      Unencrypted platforms like Word documents, spreadsheets, and emails carry a high risk of exposing passwords to external parties. Therefore, users should avoid recording passwords in these locations and delete/transfer them to safer alternatives. 

      TeamPassword’s dedicated password manager encrypts every password before transferring the data to a remote server, where it is kept secure for storage, reference, and retrieval by authorized parties. 

      Keep Clear of Unprotected Devices 

      Organizations have become increasingly remote in recent years, with companies implementing BYOD policies that encourage employees to use their personal devices at work. While these initiatives provide employees with greater freedom and comfort in their work routines, they bring novel password and user access concerns. 

      Specifically, some organizations may lack stringent IT policies that vet the security of these IoT devices. As such, employees may store sensitive organizational data (i.e., office passwords) on unprotected mobile devices, which are vulnerable to a breach via backdoor programs. 

      Therefore, users should ensure that every device and account at work remains password protected and secure before populating it with sensitive credentials. Ideally, users should avoid password storage in a local device. 

      Team Password’s dedicated password manager enables users to store and access their passwords remotely across multiple devices and locations while safeguarded with two-step user authentication and encryption features. Sign up for a trial today to manage your passwords seamlessly across all work environments. 

      Going Beyond Encryption 

      While the most robust encryption features can significantly reduce the risks of password exploitation, they are insufficient as a standalone solution. Sophisticated hackers may resort to brute-force attacks where they assault a login with multiple combinations until they hit the perfect combination. 

      As such, users should apply strong passwords (i.e., long strings filled with unique symbols) while consistently changing their passwords, which makes them much harder to guess. A dedicated password manager can simplify the process with a password generator that instantly creates and stores complex passwords for immediate use. 

      Saved passwords with a dedicated password manager do not require users to have exceptional memory, entrusting systems with the “remembering” process. 

      Stay Alert 

      Additionally, password users should receive real-time updates and notifications on their password management activities to act quickly with the most suitable response. Modern malicious actors favour passwords as an attack vector, and many infiltrated accounts remain undetected long after an attack, limiting remediation and troubleshooting responses. 

      TeamPassword’s dedicated password manager offers an intuitive feature that automates email notifications according to specific password management activities. The system informs users of the slightest changes to stored passwords, enabling them to take proactive actions in managing their accounts without undetected risks. 

      With a master password, users can effortlessly add or remove multiple accounts and users via an intuitive dashboard. Every master password comes hashed and salted to offer maximum protection for stored credentials. Admins may share saved passwords with ad hoc partners, vendors, and external collaborators uninterrupted and with ease. 

      TeamPassword – A Versatile Password Storage Solution 

      TeamPassword provides a dedicated password manager that equips users with advanced features to keep unique combinations encrypted and secure. The TeamPassword solution offers leading cybersecurity standards for saved passwords, achieving a series of accreditations over the years, including ISO 27001, SOC 1, and SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402. 

      In addition, the software is compatible with desktop or mobile devices, driving comprehensive password management in diverse environments. Users may trust TeamPassword’s dedicated password manager with various credentials for emails, mobile applications, and cloud logins.

      TeamPassword deploys frequent safety security sweeps to maintain the highest security and industry standards for your saved passwords. With billions of usernames and passwords exploited and deposited on the dark web and malicious parties remaining on the prowl, TeamPassword can maintain optimal security standards. 

      Begin a trial now to keep your passwords secure and accessible to protect your most valuable accounts and assets from the latest cyber threats. 



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