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Andrew M.

Andrew M.




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    Should I use my Browser’s Built-in Password Manager?

    Should I use my Browser’s Built-in Password Manager?

    6/8/20215 min read

    Password Management

    The built-in password manager of web browsers provides users with convenience in accessing various applications and platforms with ease. While a built-in password manager is free to use and saves users the trouble of remembering long strings of values or failed login attempts, they may raise security concerns. With the rise of sophisticated cyberattacks, users should minimize the risks of password exposure with more advanced and reliable password management. 

    Specifically, a built-in password manager usually lacks encryption features, so passwords face a higher risk of cyber exploitation. Unencrypted passwords appear in plaintext, keeping them readable and manipulable by anyone with access, including unauthorized parties. 

    Alternatively, a dedicated password manager, like TeamPassword’s advanced solutions, offers end-to-end encryption that keeps credentials secure. Sign up for a trial to store your passwords with peace of mind. 

    The Dangers of Plaintext Passwords

    Password creation directly from a browser may carry additional cybersecurity risks. For instance, when users generate a default password on a webpage, they may receive an unencrypted email with the new password details. The built-in password manager of the browser will then record the default password. 

    In scenarios where users forget to change their default passwords, malicious attackers have two opportunities to launch an attack – from the unencrypted email that passes through various servers and the unprotected built-in password manager. 

    Multiple Exposures  

    A built-in password manager stores passwords in the cloud of its respective service provider. For example, a Chrome browser manager will store passwords in the Google cloud and Firefox in Mozilla’s cloud. Modern users in a multi-device and remote landscape may access multiple browsers for various needs. 

    Unencrypted password storage across various clouds can significantly increase the risk of exposure to malicious actors. Additionally, switching between browsers may result in outdated credentials and poorly synced passwords that delay logins. With an encrypted password manager, users can optimize access monitoring and password security processes from a one-stop dashboard across all apps and devices. 

    The Lack of Password-Sharing Capabilities 

    Password-sharing is rising in importance as more organizations function remotely, involving teams that operate from multiple locations. Additionally, password-sharing may be crucial in urgent situations and processes where primary password holders need to entrust a secondary party with login credentials. For example, password holders may grant temporary access to corporate accounts for additional supply orders. 

    Built-in password managers usually lack password-sharing features, resulting in the use of other unprotected channels, such as messenger apps that put passwords at further risk. A dedicated password manager enables users to share passwords seamlessly with an encrypted master password. Through the process, authorized secondary parties may gain the access they need to fulfil a task without compromising password details. 

    The Lack of Password Generation 

    Weak passwords have been a common target of malicious parties who steal valuable information and data from unsuspecting users. Common password mistakes include repeated characters, keyboard layouts (i.e., “wasdtfgh”), and other easily guessed combinations. 

    While complex passwords may deter cyberattacks, they also make it difficult for users to remember. TeamPassword offers a randomized password generator, which recommends, creates, and stores a complex encrypted combination for logins. Compare this to standard built-in password managers, which lack password generation capabilities. Sign up for a trial with TeamPassword to start optimizing your passwords. 

    No Warning Systems 

    Built-in password managers do not notify users of a password breach or suspicious login activity. As such, users may only detect a problem late into a cyberattack, which reduces response rates and limits remediation efforts.

    Alternatively, a dedicated password manager provides users with real-time notifications on unusual activity, such as identifying stolen passwords or leaked password databases. Some password managers may alert users on weak passwords and the extra measures required (i.e., adding uppercase letters or symbols) to improve them. 

    Other Considerations 

    The encrypted and two-factor authentication features of dedicated password managers offer more than password security. Dedicated password managers may provide users with secure storage of other sensitive files and data such as tax document attachments or PII (personally identifiable information). 

    Moving to a Dedicated Password Manager 

    A dedicated password manager provides users with enhanced security features, password-sharing capabilities, and more, but transitioning from a built-in manager requires a few coordinated measures. 

    Each browser features its own set of specifics, but the general steps include backing up stored passwords and exporting them to a local device, deactivating the browser’s password-recording/syncing feature, and removing all recorded passwords. Additionally, users should ensure that they delete the passwords from every device and account. 

    Upon completing the steps, users may safely transfer their passwords to the dedicated password manager or replace them with stronger alternatives. 

    TeamPassword – The Comprehensive Password Solution

    TeamPassword’s advanced solution provides users with an intuitive solution that enables teams to store and share passwords with optimal visibility. Administrators may add or remove user passwords on the move via mobile devices, maintaining uninterrupted collaboration with remote teams. TeamPassword’s extensions enable effortless account-switching across browsers to avoid lapses and the risk of data breaches. 

    Additionally, TeamPassword’s advanced program offers a range of security features that optimize user visibility. These include activity tracking for each login and a customized email notification feature that sends real-time updates on key actions taken within the TeamPassword platform.  

    When it comes down to password security, modern teams and users should go beyond the primary offerings of built-in password managers. TeamPassword’s dedicated password manager empowers users from all backgrounds to achieve the highest standards of password management. Sign up for a trial today to minimize the risks of authentication-based cyberattacks. 

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    TeamPassword は、チームのIDとパスワードを保存および共有するための、最も速く、最も簡単で、最も安全な方法です。