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Andrew M.

Andrew M.

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"저희 비영리 단체는 TeamPassword를 사용하고 있으며, 우리의 요구에 잘 맞고 있습니다."


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    Username Generator

    Username Generator: why you need one

    September 24, 20219 min read

    Password Management

    Like a password generator, a username generator enables you to create a unique login name for every account. Some accounts let you use your email address to sign in, while others require an email address and username.

    The purpose of a username is to create unique credentials for every account, but many people choose to reuse the same login name for multiple accounts.

    The reason people do this is for convenience and so they don't have to remember multiple usernames and passwords.

    If you use a password manager like TeamPassword, you never have to remember your usernames or passwords again! Sign up for a 14-day free trial and discover the best password management solution for small businesses and agencies!


    Table of Contents

      What is a Username Generator?

      A username generator creates a unique username with the click of a button. Most username generators let you adjust the character length or choose to include uppercase, lowercase, symbols, and numbers.

      Since these are made-up usernames, other options might include Easy to Say or Easy to Read. For example, an easy-to-read username would be cantundist—which reads like can't understand.


      Why Should You Use a Username Generator?

      For companies with hundreds of accounts, creating unique usernames can be challenging. Individuals have more time but might need some inspiration.

      A username generator lets you create a unique login name quickly and easily—preventing you from using a name someone can easily guess—like your company, street, child, pet, nickname, etc.

      Username generators also eliminate naming conventions and pattern recognition, something many attackers can easily identify!

      A unique username/password combination for every account will significantly increase your credential security. Attackers have no way to try the same username or identify patterns—essentially, your unique usernames become a second password!


      What are the Benefits of Using a Unique Username?

      There are two primary benefits to using unique usernames:

      • Anonymity
      • Security

      Many people wish to remain anonymous online while using social media but still engage with friends and family. If you use your full name as your username, then anyone can use the social media platform's search function to find you.

      For example, if someone searches for you on Instagram, the platform returns profile name and username results. But with an unidentifiable username and a private profile, it's near impossible for someone to find you—even if they search through your friend's followers.

      Using a username generator, you can create a unique profile URL and use only your first name (or the first letter of your name).

      If you do this for all of your social media accounts, it's difficult for anyone to find you and build your online profile. This anonymity doesn't only apply to attackers; perhaps you don't want work colleagues, clients, or your boss snooping on your private life.

      Creating unique usernames for every account also protects you against cyberattacks. Usernames, email addresses, and passwords are often stolen during data breaches

      If you use the same username for multiple accounts, attackers can use brute force or credential stuffing attacks to hack your other accounts. If you also reuse the same password, you're giving criminals the keys to all of your accounts!


      How to Create a Unique Username Without a Username Generator

      The easiest way to create unique usernames is by combining two or three categories, followed by a number.

      For example, your categories might be color, reptile, food.

      • Color - red
      • Reptile - snake
      • Food - pasta
      • Number - 24

      Your unique username would be @redsnakepasta24. Never worry about usernames looking "cool" or aesthetically pleasing. The goal is security and anonymity, not popularity.

      To avoid pattern recognition, switch your naming convention constantly:

      • Avoid using the same categories
      • Use two and three category combinations
      • Place the number between the words: @red2snake4pasta
      • Change letters to numbers: @r3dsnakepa5sta
      • reverse some or all the words: @derekansatsap42
      • Don't use your favorite things, people you know, pets names, street names, your home town/state/country, mother's maiden name, and other identifiable information

      If you have time on your hands or only occasionally sign up for new accounts, then creating unique usernames this way can be fun. But if you don't want to waste time, a username generator can create usernames in a second!


      How to "Leetify" a Username?

      Leetifying a username means replacing letters with similar-looking numbers or symbols. Most platforms don't allow symbols, but you can still use numbers in place of letters.

      Examples of numbers to replace letters:

      • 1 = i
      • 2 = z
      • 3 = 3
      • 5 = s
      • 8 = B
      • 9 = P
      • 0 = o

      So you could leetify a username as follows: u53rnam3. If your platform allows you to use symbols in the username, it might look like: u$3rn@m3.


      How Often Should You Change Your Username?

      Unlike passwords, it's unnecessary to change your username. In fact, many platforms don't allow you to change your username after you complete the signup process.

      If you're looking for security, the best thing you can do is avoid using the same username more than once.

      If you're the victim of a data breach, then it's highly advisable to change your username for that account. In 2013, hackers exposed 4.6 million Snapchat usernames, forcing the company to encourage its users to create new usernames to avoid further vulnerabilities.


      Pro Security Tip!

      We highly recommend using the free service have I been pwned? to determine if any of your usernames are compromised. 

      Have I been pwned collects and archives user information from data breaches so anyone can enter their email or mobile number to search the database.

      Getting ahead of username vulnerabilities is an effective way to protect yourself from further cyberattacks.


      Using a TeamPassword to Manage Usernames and Passwords

      Using TeamPassword's password manager provides companies with a secure way to store and share credentials. Using our built-in password generator ensures you never use weak passwords or reuse the same credentials for more than one account.

      You can create unique usernames using a username generator or use TeamPassword's password generator instead. Here's how you do it:

      1. Go to TeamPassword's free password generator
      2. Uncheck the uppercase, symbols, and numbers, so you only have lowercase selected
      3. The password generator will produce a random string of lowercase letters (the minimum is twelve, if you need a shorter username, drop the letters you don't need)
      4. You can also include numbers for even more randomization (if the platform allows it)
      5. Copy the username to use when signing up for a new account

      Don't worry about remembering a random string of numbers and letters—TeamPassword will do that for you!


      Logging into Accounts With TeamPassword

      With your usernames and passwords stored securely in TeamPassword, it's time to share access and sign in to your accounts. Invite your team to TeamPassword, so everyone has a separate login.

      Next, create groups for your various teams to share access with only those who need it. For example, your content team will need access to your keyword research tools, content management systems, relevant social accounts, and other platforms that share a single login.

      Team members install their preferred TeamPassword browser extension (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and use it to log into your accounts. 

      Our browser extensions work similarly to storing your credentials in a browser, except that TeamPassword encrypts your passwords, and no one can view them—preventing employees from sharing raw passwords or attackers stealing your credentials.


      Activity and Logging

      TeamPassword's activity log lets you keep track of suspicious activity, including unauthorized sharing or access. 

      You can also set up email notifications for all TeamPassword actions to monitor your most sensitive accounts.


      Add An Extra Layer of Security with Two-Factor Authentication

      TeamPassword allows your team members to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) using Google Authenticator—available on iOS and Android.

      2FA effectively prevents a full breach, even when hackers have stolen an employee's credentials through a social engineering attack. Without your team member's 2FA device, hackers can't get past authentication and use TeamPassword to access your accounts.

      You can also create backup codes for your TeamPassword account, so you never get locked out. We recommend you store backup codes in a locked filing system where attackers can't access them.


      How Secure is TeamPassword?

      TeamPassword uses state-of-the-art encryption technology to store your passwords. We hash, salt, and encrypt passwords locally on your computer before uploading them to our server.

      In the unlikely event that attackers intercept your credentials, the passwords are unreadable. TeamPassword uses AES-256 password encryption, trusted by many US government agencies!

      TeamPassword is a secure hosting provider holding multiple international security accreditations, including:

      • ISO 27001
      • SOC 1
      • SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402
      • PCI Level 1
      • FISMA Moderate
      • Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)

      TeamPassword also carries out regular vulnerability sweeps to scan our systems for viruses and ensure no backdoors lead to your sensitive data.


      Get a Free TeamPassword Trial

      Ready to start using TeamPassword's robust password management solution? Sign up for a 14-day free trial and never worry about remembering your company's usernames or passwords again.

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